
Aaro's Birth // At Home

Sweet little Aaro slipped into this world so quietly and quickly that for a few minutes after his arrival it appeared as though he felt he was still in the womb.

Upon my arrival Alac was laboring beautifully on all fours, swaying and working with her body. Her partner Ben was magnificently supporting her despite the fact that he was battling a stomach bug. As soon as I unpacked my camera bag and took my first photograph Alac looked up suddenly and said “That was different. I think I need to push.” I instantly called the midwife to check on her location. She was just a few minutes out. As soon as she and her assistant arrived Alac got in the tub and as the midwife was putting on her gloves Aaro’s head emerged.

Alac had warned all of us that this was going to be a fast birth but we were still all in shock! She beautifully and gently guided Aaro into the world and with the help of his father’s hands he was laid peacefully on his mother’s chest. He instantly gazed up at her face with a look of such pure adoration, the likes of which I have never seen before on a newborn.

Aaro’s arrival was one of the fastest, quietest, coziest, peace filled births I have ever had the honor of witnesses. Aaro knew he was home. It was as if he had always been here.